Ангар Ангар Ангар Ангар Ангар Ангар Ангар Ангар Ангар Ангар Ангар Ангар Ангар Ангар Ангар Ангар Ангар Ангар Ангар
Window material Polycarbonate
Ceiling condition Made in 1987
Ceiling material galvanized sheet
Floor condition Made in 2000
Floor materials Concrete
Walls material Concrete blocks, galvanized sheet (Made in 1987)
Walls condition Some are in need of repairs
Window condition Made in 1998
Doors wucket door
Gate number 1 metal gate, with the built-in metal door
Gate number 2 metal
Household premises 70m2 - dressing room, a bathroom, shower cabins. There is also a possibility of rent of places in the general household rooms
Condition of gate №1 Made in 1987
Condition of gate №2 Made in 1987
Room security yes
Alarm system Security alarm system and fire alarm system
CCTV exterior videomonitoring
Parking (1 car) Parking price
Lifting mechanisms The bridge telfer of 5 t
Power supply admissible maximum power is 70 KWH; Additional capacity which can be taken from substation to 400 KWH
Water supply yes
Heating Heating is available, but is disconnected; Nearby there are gas pipelines, it is possible to connect own boiler room
Driveways The general protected entrance from Patversmes Street 19; The equipment of separate entrance from Patversmes Street 19 directly opposite to entrance to a hangar is possible
Sewage No, but the sewerage passes nearby — it is possible to connect
Railway Nearby railway Nr. 12 with a stage for unloading of rail tank car
Connections there is a network for connection of computers and phone

56.990673938122, 24.134082889006

Typical terms of rent

Standard terms of sale

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Demonstration of premises and territory only after filling in the form and approval of data from the administration.
The specific date and time of the visit should be agreed previously.

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